Guided sockeye salmon fishing trip on the Columbia River
*** 2024 Update: We are waiting to see how the season and run develop before offering fishing trips this year, including our fully guided annual sockeye fishing trip on the Columbia River.
The two most popular fish Washington State offers is steelhead and salmon. Eastern Washington Guides are offering 1/2 day fishing charters on the Columbia River, launching out of Brewster, WA. We're taking July reservations only. Columbia River salmon are highly cherished not only for the fun that comes from the fight at the end of a rod, but the future table fare that grilled, smoked, fried, or canned salmon makes. Despite most anglers agreeing that Sockeye salmon are not the #1 tastiest eating salmon that swims, they're still delicious.
Our guided sockeye salmon trips on the Columbia River launch out of Brewster, Washington, not mistaken for Punky Brewster (For the record, we like the OG Punky but still sorry to see the most recent NBC remake canceled). Our guided salmon trips are boatloads of fun and only run during July. We use conventional tackle & tacts with various lures, flashers, plugs, and fresh roe.
Our salmon trips contain ample amounts of fun but make no mistake, Aaron puts fish in the fish box too. But, don't take our word for it; take a look at the Happy Kampers and our 2021 Eastern Washington Guides Salmon Report below, we did a'right. We filled our fish box chock full of tasty sockeye salmon, and our memory banks were just as packed. Trips are open now for booking online, available only for July.
Washington State fishing regulations: WDFW
Buy your Washington State fishing license online: WDFW Wild Portal
Washington State Fishing App Download (Google Play)
Salmon fishing trips are priced at $250/ half-day.
Did you know The term "salmon" comes from the Latin salmo, which in turn might have originated from salire, meaning "to leap?” We didn't either. Fact-check us!
Did you know in the OG Punky Brewster, her dog was named Brandon "the Wonder Dog"? Let's Go, Brandon!

Fill My Fish Box!
Our salmon trips contain ample amounts of fun but make no mistake, your guide, and EWG owner, Aaron Echternkamp puts fish in the fish box too. Each year Aaron fills fish boxes chock full of tasty sockeye salmon, with memory banks that were just as packed. Trips are open now for booking online, available only for July. Use this website to reserve your seats today. Sockeye trips are $250 for half-day trips.
Our boats are set up with top-of-the-line rods, reels, electronics, bait, and tackle. You'll be fishing from one of our 23ft. Alumaweld Super Vee's with a 200 Yamaha HPDI mounted on her stern. She flies as good as she fishes. In addition to applicable items listed in our “What to Pack” section of our trip planning page, you'll be required to have purchased a Washington State or Oregon State fishing license.
Payments on this website are encrypted and secure through SquareSpace's payment processing. We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, ApplePay, and American Express. We're considering taking Cryptocurrency soon, but not yet.
Your Guide Is More Than Your Guide
Aaron Echternkamp
Eastern Washington Guides 2024-2025 Salmon Report
Peak salmon fishing in Washington State runs from May through September; however, one could easily keep fishing for them into November as long as the season remains open. Most Pacific Northwest anglers are well aware of the fluctuating fishing and shellfish seasons based on the salmon run and catch numbers.
We didn’t offer guided trips last summer. The good news is that we’re planning to this season, and the outlook for the 2024 sockeye fishing season couldn't be better!
If you had been smart or lucky enough to schedule a trip with Aaron in one of those first few days, you know the boat limited, each of the five days. The season was closed after that.
This year is forecasted to be fantastic fish returns on all species and a record-breaking run of summer sockeye salmon! So don't miss out on catching a memory that will last forever and provide tasty table fare in the short term.
Columbia River Adult Salmon Returns 2022: Actual and Forecasted (pdf)
710am ESPN’s Mark Yuasa: Early positive salmon news on the Columbia
Bill Monroe: Oregon Live - Stars align for 2022 salmon runs
Why Brewster?
Fishing on the Columbia River is without a doubt the best salmon, steelhead, and sturgeon fishing in the lower 48. It receives huge runs of spring Chinook, summer Chinook, summer steelhead, sockeye, fall Chinook, and coho salmon, not to mention bass, walleye, and shad annually from her tributaries. Catch salmon all while being surrounded by the great Northwest scenery! The town's location near the confluence of the Columbia and Okanogan Rivers made Brewster the "gateway" to the vast lands of the north.
City of Brewster Facts
With a whopping population of 1,983 (2020 Census) the city of Brewster is nestled in the shadows of the Columbia River. Brewster was founded in 1910 and grew as river travel increased.
RV Hook Ups
Many clients booking guided sockeye trips come in and out of Brewster for the day; however, not all. If you're looking to have a guided salmon fishing trip be a part of a weekend family vacation or a summer RV vacation, Brewster has plenty of options.
Salmon Fishing FAQs
Don’t see your question answered below? Check out the complete list of frequently asked questions.
What are the best dates in July to book?
The fishing forecast is good but we’re unable to predict any variable length to the season. Given this, we’d suggest booking your earliest available date(s) in July. We expect to fill up fast and the fishing should be good all summer, particularly hot in July.
Are first-time anglers allowed?
You bet! Eastern Washington Guides is a family-friendly environment. You’ll regularly see kids, youth hunters, and anglers in our ranks.
Why hire a fishing guide?
We get asked this question often. The value of hiring a guide for fishing — or waterfowl for that matter — cannot be boiled down to one or two things. Our sole focus is your satisfaction which usually means getting you on fish and putting them in the box. We also fish A LOT, across multiple species which provides layers of experience catching fish in countless scenarios and environmental conditions. In other words, we’re pretty good at it.
Why does EWG only offer July trips?
We’ve considered adding summer steelhead and salmon to our trips, and may in the future. For now, Aaron’s focus with Eastern Washington Guides remains to be consistently putting clients on geese and ducks for waterfowl hunts. Offering guided sockeye trips is somewhat new on top of the existing guided bass, walleye, and tournament fishing trips already offered is a full plate.
Are deposits non-refundable?
If the trip cannot be rescheduled and if notification has been made to Aaron more than 48 hours in advance, Eastern Washington Guides will refund deposits with a 5% charge to cover online process fees and trip prep.
Please review our policies page for complete information on cancellations, rescheduled, and deposit information.
Why is the price online different than paying in person?
We’re providing a discount for trips booked online as part of a promotion incentivizing the use of our online booking tool. The discount is different per trip, approximately 20% per booked trip per customer. Those customers wishing to book by phone no problem, you may call 509-766-6791. Our prices increased in 2021, please see our updated pricing page.