Trip Details
Our pigeon hunts mostly include dairy & agriculture farms as part of private leases held by Eastern Washington Guides. We find clients enjoy hunting pigeons as realistic prep for waterfowl season or simply to fill a cooler full of tasty breast meat. And trust us, if you can hit a pigeon that knows it’s being shot at, a mallard, Canada or snow goose will be an easy target. Right?
Don’t want to take our word for it? Check out this article: America’s Most Underrated Wingshooting Endeavor.
Domestic Pigeons
The domestic pigeon (Columba livia, also called the rock dove or city pigeon) was originally found in Europe, Northern Africa, and India. Washington’s band-tailed pigeon (Columba fasciata) is sometimes confused with the domestic pigeon. We have high numbers of domestic pigeons all around Eastern Washington, making for great hunting and sore shoulders.
Band-Tailed Pigeons
In accordance with Washington State DFW, the Band-Tailed Pigeon 2024 season is Sept 14-22. As 2024 season dates are published, look to book hunts, roughly mid-September each year. Daily bag limits are 15, the possession limit is 45.
Pacific Coast Band-Tailed pigeons are approximately 15 inches in length. In Washington, band-tailed pigeons are found primarily west of the Cascades during spring and summer; they are known to occur in Klickitat and Yakima counties east of the Cascades. The size of Washington’s breeding population is unknown.
Book a Pigeon Hunt
All our pigeon hunts are fully guided, 100% free-range, and fair chase. The truth is pigeon hunting will surprise you, they’re more difficult to hit than you might think. Pigeons are a blast to decoy, using somewhat similar tactics as waterfowl. You’ll want to bring camo clothing, we’ll handle the blind concealment and decoys. Eastern Washington Guides offer both morning and afternoon pigeon hunts.
Dove hunts are priced at $175/gun but discounted to $150 (not including taxes) for the 2022 season only if booked and paid through our online scheduling tool.
What the Day Looks Like
Morning Meet Up
A typical guided pigeon hunting trip will start off by meeting with the guide at Half-Sun Chevron Truck Station, 420 S Wanapum Dr, Moses Lake, WA 98837.
We’ll fill up on coffee, grab breakfast grub from the Champs hot shelf and any snacks needed for the day. If a different meetup location is needed for your group, your guide will contact you the evening before. If not, meet at Half-Sun.
These trips are typically warm weather hunts. Our meeting time does not need to adhere to “waterfowl hours,” expect your guide to communicate with you before the trip to dial in the meeting time or adjustments to the meeting location.
The Hunt
Expect to arrive at the hunting location - field, pond, or lake - about an hour before shooting time. The guide(s) will be responsible for getting the decoy spread put out but everyone tends to chip in.
Our guides take pride in ensuring our clients are as comfortable, and camouflaged as possible for your hunt. Each hunt may require different setups to get you where the pigeons are flying. If necessary, we’ll adjust our hunting location to gain the advantage. Expect to hunt till around 1pm if you don't finish earlier due to sore shoulders.
Plan on bringing snacks and refreshments, your camera, an appetite for a good time and quite a bit of shooting.
Pigeon Hunting Trip FAQs
Don’t see your question answered below? Check out the complete list of frequently asked questions.
What shotgun choke should I use?
Just like with other migratory and upland hunting, selecting your shotgun and load is really a matter of personal preference. A 20-gauge, 16-gauge, or 12-gauge pump, semi-automatic, side-by-sides, and over-and-unders all make excellent “pigeon guns.” By adding a .410 into the possible shotgun options you can call it good. Plenty of people also use pellet guns; .177, .22 or .50 caliber pellets
Your expected shot range will vary a little between early (10-35 yards) & late (25-40 yards) seasons so we recommend a modified or improved modified choke with Number 7 ½ shot size to Number 6 shot size.
Are first-time hunters allowed?
You bet! Eastern Washington Guides is a family-friendly environment. You’ll regularly see kids, youth hunters, and first-time hunters join our ranks. Per Washington State DFW, “All hunters born after Jan. 1, 1972 must show proof of hunter education course completion before purchasing their first Washington hunting license.” Our guides will look to isolate shooing opportunities until you get used to the pace.
Does Eastern Washington Guides offer pheasant, grouse, or chuckar trips?
Not currently. However, ask any of the Eastern Washington Guides about surrounding public ground, there are ample hunting opportunities near our goose & duck hunting leases. A number of our clients will limit with one of our guided hunts, then walk into public ground for upland birds. Please ask our guides for additional information or view public access points via the DFW website.
We like to eat what we harvest. Got any solid pigeon recipes?
Any good dove recipe works great for pigeons too! Cacciatore is a good recipe. Another is Saltimbocca. Wrap in Prosciutto, with a couple of Sage leaves, and fry in a little bit of Olive oil. Dress with burnt butter, and finish with Lemon juice is a popular favorite.
How many boxes of shells do you recommend for this hunt?
We recommend bringing at least three (3) boxes of ammo. As much as people boast, it’s hard to shoot any shotgun load all day, even if the pigeons keep flying.
Why is the price online different than paying in person?
We’re providing a discount for trips booked online as part of a promotion incentivizing the use of our online booking tool. The discount is different per trip, approximately 20% per booked trip per customer. Those customers wishing to book by phone no problem, you may call 509-766-6791. Our prices increased in 2021, please see our updated pricing page.
Washington State game bird regulations (WDFW) > WDFW Website
Buy your migratory bird license online > WDFW’s Online Fish & Hunting License
Places to stay and eat around Moses Lake, WA > Plan Your Trip
Get to Know Your Guides
Dove hunting is more than limting on birds. Don’t get us wrong, we get our fair share of limits but at the same time, we recognize all that goes into creating a memorable hunting experience is more than a bag of birds.
One of those pieces is ensureing clients get likable, experienced guides. Aaron takes great pride on having a team of guides whom are well-rounded custodians of your hunting adventure. Our guides are very much a family and look to treat clients like family too.
Our guides are likable, extremely hard workers, and well-rounded outdoorsman who enjoy imparting knowledge when asked. Don’t be shy either, get to know your guides, they look forward to hunting with you!